Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my Blog!

I have decided to keep a blog so I can share my thoughts and feelings as I journey along the winding path called life...

No really! I actually have! But more specifically, and hopefully less tritely, I will be talking about the journey along the hazardous and pot-holed (must be because not enough of our taxes go towards its upkeep) path of the creative life. I will be sharing thoughts and experiences that I have as I work on my art and will post images from the rough and unfinished to the glittering, paparazzi filled extravagance of the opening night.

I have quite exciting plans for the next year or so, and checking the blog can keep you up to date with all the fun and games afoot.

Firstly I have a show coming up in May at fortyfive downstairs (

Then in November, if the gods of grants and scholarships are willing, I will be spending a month in Thailand volunteering in an elephant refuge and nature park. (

This will (hopefully) give me plenty of insight and reference material on my current subject matter - elephants. Following this trip I will plan another bigger and better show in 2009, hopefully again with the beautiful crew at fortyfive downstairs.

So there will be an abundance of things to post blogs about... I hope you enjoy!

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