Sunday, December 2, 2012

Piano Pieces


The latest greatest excitement is the upcoming event for the 
2013 Castlemaine State Festival.

It is called Piano Pieces in which I invite all and sundry to tear my piano asunder 
(sorry couldn't resist the word play).  

It is not a destructive event so much as a creative one
 as I am asking everyone to create sculptures, art 
or music/noise making apparatus out of the pieces.

You can read all about it by clicking here

hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not a Canary

The 'Not a Canary' show is now up!

Here are some pictures of it all:

This is what I had to say about it all:

A series of works about frogs. Or not. Not a pipe.
Not a canary. They are not here to tell us we are going
to die soon of gas in the mine shaft, or pollution in our
waterways. The image is not the thing and the thing is
not the thing we think it is. It is not the meaning we
imbue it with, it is just the thing. A frog. A frog is a
frog and it has its own reason for being. So do canaries.
And here we have a series of images of frogs and the image,
or symbolic representation if you will, of the thing is not
the thing, neither is it the meaning we imbue the thing
with. It is just paint on canvass. It is not my fault you
all see frogs.* Or canaries. Ink blot tests are wack anyway.

*that is a lie

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not a canary

Here are some paintings I have been working on. I am planning to hang them in a groovy bakery / cafe in Castlemaine in February!

I have been using my living room as a studio for the last month.
Makes it hard to have people around for a cup of tea, but soon I will be finished, the show will be up and I can entertain again!