Thursday, May 22, 2008

Behind the Scenes 2

I thought I'd give a little glimpse of the work and chaos that goes on behind the scenes. This is my studio space...

As you can see it is very full of STUFF. I have all of my stock for the markets stored there, I have all of the art materials I have ever purchased stored there (I work in an art shop - enough said)Sometimes I find it hard to move, and a few weeks ago I decided to take control, clean it up, find places for things to live so the the table and floor were not totally consumed by these important but generally unused objects.

I had just got it into a certain amount of order when we had that rain a week or so ago... and I discovered the place leaks! So I had to move all items that were stacked against the back wall into the middle of the space. Never try to escape chaos... it will find you.

I was a bit stressed about the show and had found an afternoon to be in the studio. And it was lucky I was in my studio when it happened, so I could move it all and track where the drips were coming in, but it meant that instead of having a productive afternoon I had a damage control afternoon, and all of my attempted order was reversed in a matter of half an hour.

I still have a bucket propped up against the window and it catches those drips that hit the window sill and then splatter out, then there is also the leak that slides sneakily down the wall. Luckily it was never enough water to form a puddle or a stream. But I will take not chances and will have to devise a way to lift all my folios - full of paper - off the ground.

Studios and flooding seem to go hand in hand for me. I've had two others that flooded much worse than this in the past, so it is ok, but still nerve wracking, to have a little leak. Every time it rains I am now worried in case this is the day the roof decided to fall in and soak everything in muddy water.

that has happened before...

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